Danielle S. Marcotte

Scamper_coverWhy Does My Dog Smile?
Illustrations by Francesca Da Sacco

$5.95 (Paperback, 32 p., 7 colour ill.)
ISBN 978-0-9881101-5-1

Spring is here in Greater Vancouver.
Trees and bushes are in bloom.
My dog Boris is playing next door.
Why is he smiling?


Scamper and the Airplane Thief
Illustrations by Paul Roux
Keep the Blue Side Up! Series, no. 1

$14.95 (Hardcover, 48 p., 8 colour ill.)
ISBN 978-0-9881101-9-9

When a student at the flight school runs away with Scamper,
a Luscombe 8f, the little seaplane saves the day.


Airplane_coverThis Airplane Can Dance!
Illustrations by Francesca Da Sacco
Keep the Blue Side Up! Series, no. 2

$6.95 (Paperback, 48 p., 8 colour ill.)
ISBN 978-0-9881101-4-4

Piper Super Cub is a little cargo plane who wants adventure.
Max, the pilot’s son, has twin friends who just may have what Piper wants.

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